通过功能强大的智能控制器测试空气系统压力的连续变化,准确地改变速度,空压机的空气流量始终符合用户系统的需求。智能控制器的反应速率是按毫秒计算的,同时对于速度的修正可在3毫秒内做出,使其出口气压控制在最小范围内。带动螺杆空压机特点:英特尔驱动特点:高效感应电机,集成变速驱动(VSD)与速度控制,领先控制和保护,软启动消除驱动器压力。2.软启动降低您的运行成本:IntelliDrive的温和启动周期延长了使用寿命,这意味着允许频繁的停止和重启周期,没有过热的风险。3.使用经济:通过降低您的运营成本来节省您的资金。这些节省下来的钱会年复一年地体现在你的底线上。4. Multiple Machine Operation: When operating as a pressure trim machine, the power savings achieved by a single compressor is multiplied by additional savings achieved over the full installation. 5. Best Efficiency At Part-Load: When operating at part-load, the performance is top in class. The variable speed IntelliDriven avoids load cycling and maintains a steady state of operation, reducing operating and maintenance costs. 6. High Full-load Operating Efficiency: Class-leading performance achieved by state-of-the-art airend design and manufacturing processes, coupled with the reduction of internal losses, means that airend full-load performance.