本系列直流充电器是我司基于多年研发经验自主研发的产品。本系列产品注重安全性和实用性,爱游戏ayx守望先锋适用于无固定充电站的锂电池电动汽车直流快速充电。适用于电动叉车、观光车、高尔夫球车、电动运输车、电动游轮、军用装备等锂电池供电领域。产品特点智能控制面板设计,充电状态一目了然,面板可根据客户要求定制;2.采用双枪设计和智能检测技术,可对一个电池组同时充电,也可对不同的电池组分别充电,以满足不同工况的要求;3.采用智能控制芯片,根据锂电池的物理特性设计专用的充电曲线,在保证安全可靠的前提下,对电池进行更快速的充电;4. Built in timing function, which can automatically stop charging according to the timing time and power consumption; 5. Support can and 485 bus communication function; 6. Perfect protection and alarm functions: input phase loss, input over / under voltage, input over-current, output over / under voltage, output over-current, whole machine overheating, output short-circuit protection, abnormal communication. In case of the above faults, the machine will automatically stop working and prompt relevant fault codes on the panel for easy inspection and maintenance;