*汉王塑胶机械有限公司在台湾从事吹膜机的制造、研究及开发已有30多年的历史。*应用:购物袋、垃圾袋、包装袋子 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 所有机器是完全定制。请告知以下信息以便尽快拿到offer1.你们想生产什么样的应用薄膜?2.你用什么原材料,HDPE, LDPE,可回收的或其他材料来制造你的胶片?3.您要制造的应用薄膜宽度范围,以及哪个尺寸的薄膜主要宽度?4. The application thickness range that you want to manufacture, and which size is the film major thickness? 5. What is your expecting hourly output(capacity) of the application film that you want to manufacture? 6. Do you want to equipped the machine with one station winder or back to back type dual station winder, and you want the winder is manual cutting and changing roller type, or automatically type? 7. Do you have any other requests of the machine, width or height of tower?