欢迎来到未来!使用全新的Speedmaster CX 104,您已为满足所有打印要求做好了理想的准备。Speedmaster CX 104开创了一系列全新的可能性——包括导航或自动生产。这是由智能支持系统,如Intellistart 3和独特的Intelliline确保的。多功能超霸CX 104采用新格式,可轻松处理从轻质纸张到纸箱库存的所有材料。即使在高性能范围内,速度可达每小时16,500张,它不仅给包装专业人士留下了深刻的印象,而且也给商业和标签印刷商留下了深刻的印象。无论你在哪个领域,新闻界都适合你现在和未来,并提供充足的发展机会。灵活有力。和你一样独特。你如何应对印刷市场日益增长的需求? The Speedmaster CX 104 has the answer - with a flexible press configuration. Tailored to your business model. Put your ideas into practice - and make a profit in the process. More variety in less time. Universally deployable. With a new format. The Speedmaster CX 104 can process a wide range of substrates and can be configured with various equipment packages as required. You will convince your customers in every respect with the performance range of this press. The Prinect Press Center XL 3 and intelligent support systems ensure results that can be planned and increase performance through the unique navigation Intellistart 3. The focus is on the user. • Speedmaster Operating System: Convenient control through intuitive touch operation on the Prinect Press Center XL 3.