亮度立式辊磨机小磨损,使用寿命长30年的发展经验的基础上研磨设备,李明重工业产生亮度系列超细立式辊磨机超细粉。磨辊不接触磨石通常,使磨损小,使用寿命长。应用程序:超细干粉none-metal矿石如方解石、大理石、石灰石、重质碳酸钙、滑石、重晶石、白云石等。了解更多关于李明®亮度系列超细立式辊磨机1。磨削效率高、污染小的最终产品。爱游戏ayx守望先锋2。先进、高效和节能powder-concentrating技术。3所示。安全、高效的工作原理,智能操作系统。4所示。 Little attrition. 5. Convenient and easy to maintenance. 6. Environmental friendly. Working Principle The main motor drives the millstone to rotate through the reduction box, meanwhile, the air flow gets into the mill through air intake. The materials come out of the screw feeder and fall on the center of the millstone, and then they will move from the center to the edge of the millstone under the affect of centrifugal force. When they move across the grinding zone, they will get grinded by the rollers. Those materials in big pieces will be crushed and grinded directly while those small ones will get extruded and they will form a material bed in which intergranule and mutual grinding will take place.