Series 9079 Over-voltage protectors for applications up to 100 V DC, or 75 V AC based on varistor technology are available as single components. Description The HUBER+SUHNER DC Block product line include DC blocks (inner conductor disconnected) and DC-DC blocks (inner and outer conductor disconnected) for galvanic isolation up to 15 kV They block high-amplitude and low frequency surge voltages e g occurring dunng réguler electric railway operation along railway lines They provide sufficient safety even in the worst case scénario if the overhead high voltage lines fall to the ground Applications DC and DC-DC blocks are coaxial components which block the flow of DC and low frequency signais up to 100 kHz while permittmg RF signais to flow without loss through the compo-nent They are used in line with coaxial feeder cables wifhin communication installations Features •Galvanic isolation of the RF signal path •Protects from effects caused by ground potentiel •Provides ground potentiel séparation •Protects agamst electrolytic corrosion caused by parasitic current •DC blockmg configuration on inner and/or outer conductor •Blockmg DC voltage up to 15 kV •Broadband operation up to 3000 MHz •Low intermodulation performance •Bulkhead mountmg and grounding •Waterproof design •Maintenance free •Protects agamst electromagnetic interférence caused by fraction return current