DXR 305是我们最强大的遥控拆迁机器人。与SB 302锤子一起,它具有市场上同类产品中最高的功率重量比。它拥有令人印象深刻的27千瓦功率,只有78厘米宽,可以通过所有正常的门口。这种独特的组合打开了一个非常广泛的应用窗口。该工具臂具有较长的行程范围和精确的定位,并且需要最少的维护。支腿可以单独控制,并与大占地面积相结合,提供了优越的稳定性,从而实现了高工作量。配备高级遥控器,操作更安全,操作简单。坚固的DXR 305是一款适用于建筑和加工行业的多功能拆除机器人。将它与各种工具相结合,如锤子或我们紧凑而多功能的破碎机和钢剪机。对于最困难的应用程序,我们推荐我们的附加功能包。 For DXR 305 we offer extended hydraulic function and cylinder protection package, enhanced cooling and heat protection. This enables you to work with the machine in high ambient temperatures and with the tool in a high radiation heat. The packages can be ordered as accessories or installed direct from the factory. Increased performance More than 20% increased performance in power, higher productivity and efficiency. Safer operation Fulfils third party approval in respect of EMC, functional safety requirements and high reliability levels (PLd) which ensures a safer work environment.