规范——是专门用于压缩。——范围广泛的能力从500 n 20 kn。-提供高精度的f.s. + / - 0.5%。功能首先,测压元件设计执行可靠的测量。——惰性气体填充封闭的建筑传感器减少外部影响。——不锈钢身体还支持可靠的测量。第二,你可以把细胞加载到一个有限的空间。——体积小(50毫米直径)使您能够将它甚至合并到一个有限的空间里你的设备/设施。——按钮形状粘合使安装方便,插入一个洞匹配传感器大小,等等。看到目录或我们的web页面中,以便进行进一步的信息。放大器我们提供4种放大器。 All of the models are equipped with input/output functions, thus, you can interlock it with your equipment/facilities. Model 1. Desk top model: FA Plus 2. Sensor interchangeable model: eZT series 3. Handheld model (Advanced): ZTA series 4. Handheld model (Standard): ZTS seriesInput/Output functions-They can handle input/output via USB, RS232C, Analog, and more-They can output OK/NG judgement, Peak hold, Overload If required, you can send the measured data to PC at 2000Hz via USB cable and draw graphs of measured data on a dedicated software. Due to the high sampling rate, it shows you even a tiny variation, and detect peak value accurately. We have confidence to offer the best force measurement solution using know-how accumulated over 65 years, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns like mentioned-below… -How should I get the load cell built in to my equipment? -Which amplifier should I choose?