可堆叠式大容量轨道激振器培养箱风扇循环,带或不带制冷,可编程TFT触摸屏控制速度,温度和时间。适用于长时间运行。金属外壳环氧涂层和ABS正面,特别设计,可以堆叠多达3个孵化器。TFT触摸屏。8个可编程段,电流和设定读数的温度,时间和速度参数。声学报警和照明指示灯在循环结束时,也表明温度和/或时间程序错误。振动筛门打开时自动关闭开关机构。电机过载保护,具有自动开关关闭激活功能。感应驱动电机,其中驱动机构具有防振系统。冷藏型有一个密封的压缩机单元与通风冷凝器。 Internal case made of stainless steel AISI 316 with polished finish and glazed door for a handy visibility of the samples process. Interior platform with front extraction guides with multi-adapter positions for differing accessories, such as: conical flask adapters, microtitre plate holders and universal tray with adjustable tension springs for other non standard sized vessels. The orbital rotation can be adjusted without disassembly from 50mm. Amplitude of oscilation: 25 -50 mm. Comes complete with print and USB output for the process registration.