应用:酶促试验,血清和血浆组分BOD试验,化妆品,植物学,制药,工业,农业,细菌学,生物技术和研究。冷柜“Hotcold S”强制空气循环。数字电子控制温度和时间,从+5°c到65°c可调。稳定性±0.1°c,最高可达20°c。均匀性±0.5°c,至20°c。设置误差±2°c。分辨率0.1°c。环氧涂层外壳。内部采用AISI304不锈钢。门采用双层彩釉玻璃,以保持内部温度。 Illumination switch with internal fluorescent light. Side port for the introduction of external cables probes and tubes etc. Cooling gas R134a. 4 wheels with brake. CONTROL SYSTEM Electronic digital controller for temperature and time. Timer and off programmable from 1’ to 99 hrs 59’. Programmable defrost. High and low temperature alarm. Temperature calibration.