防湿工作服经典款黑色防水防脏工作服。黄白色Kärcher标志。带有衣架和镶嵌的塑料袋。尺码有M-XXL。黑色防水防脏工作防护服,黄白色Kärcher标志。有隐藏的双向拉链和尼龙搭扣在前面。所有接缝都是焊接在里面,腿下摆有一个松紧带,袖口有一个魔术贴扣件。附加的引擎盖配有拉绳和绳塞。腰部也有一根拉绳。此外,湿式工作防护服提供了一个带襟翼的胸袋,以及一个内胸袋。 The work protective suit is available in sizes M-XXL. FEATURES AND BENEFITS Attractive appearance Professional work clothing in a stylish look A sense of security Work is noticeably safer Maximum freedom of movement Windproof Highly effective protection Water, oil and dirt-repellent fluorocarbon impregnation, together with the breathable hydrophilic membrane, offers the best protection from water and dirt Perfect fit Optimal comfort Excellent workmanship