►►铸铝的身体是抗打击和沉重的条件。►►3 no / 3数控接触结构CE和EAC标准。NSR22-PS传送带位置开关是一个传送带安全附件设计报警和/或关闭输送机系统在传送带上偏差。NSR22-PSswitches可以减少相关的停机时间和维修成本。NSR22-PS一系列传送带拉绳开关不需要维护。材料:身体结构覆盖铝铸静态油漆和烤箱漆保护。轴机制是不锈钢做的。处理机制是由不锈钢或聚四氟乙烯材料。使用和应用程序:它是安装在传送带的两侧连接到底盘。传送带位置开关是用来衡量的差异的下部传送带和跟踪带的位置。 The lever moves from its current position when more force is applied to the lever mechanism. The first alarm activates the switch at 35 °. Safety Features: The heavy-duty rugged design makes them suitable for most industrial applications. It can be used with only one contact mechanism without using alarm contact. Available modifications as per request: - The alarm contact structure can be added