我们的NDC8平台是agv和移动机器人的完整通用控制解决方案。这种与应用无关、可扩展的解决方案很容易与现有的车辆设计、主机系统和物料处理解决方案集成。几乎任何AGV应用程序都可以使用相同的工程技能集构建。•可扩展和灵活。易于定制和更改在未来•不需要开发自己的控制。•用户友好的设计和服务工具。•增值服务。•在数千个应用中得到验证。NDC Solutions的NDC8是一个通用的,完整的和可扩展的系统,适用于从小型和简单到大型和复杂的所有类型的自动引导车辆(AGV)。该系统由导航、硬件和软件三部分组成。 Navigation NDC8 works with all established navigation technologies. There is support for a combination of technologies, so-called multi-navigation, which is good if you want to serve a storage space using one type of navigation and a production area using another. Natural Navigation NDC8 with natural navigation lets AGVs use objects in the existing environment for navigation, removing the need to install reflectors and markers. This cuts down on installation time, reducing costs and minimizing the effect on operations. Natural navigation also simplifies the expansion of systems.