科龙大尺寸机库门完全满足客户的期望。他们能够关闭从窄体飞机到空客A380的机库。折叠机库门是专门为实现这一目标而设计的,并更详细地满足最苛刻的工业应用,同时保持强烈的建筑吸引力。科龙一直能够创造量身定做的产品。在这种情况下,它可以设计任何尺寸的特殊折叠机库门。多面板折叠门,具有单翼或双翼开口,沿着上面固定的轨道滑动;技术规格详细说明重量和尺寸,面板从52mm厚,铰链是大尺寸的铝印刷与KOPRON标志,油漆和提供拉钢20毫米直径销,推力销,滚珠轴承,导轨,带滚珠轴承的上分隔滚子和框架周围的密封刷(一旦磨损可以更换)。机库门的优点是:无限制的宽度和高度-没有尺寸限制。量身定制的尺寸和交钥匙技术解决方案。一个个性化的颜色表,可以组合在同一门。 Big size folding doors are reliable choice from extremely cold artic areas to scorching hot climate. Between one panel and the other there are special anti-crush gaskets, which cover a width of 50mm according to regulations in force. In addiction to these basic features, they guarantee the best acoustic insulation and a perfect seal, thanks to special EPDM gaskets and nylon brushes on the closing profile. New window, almost aeronautical, Kopron exclusive patent.