KR QUANTEC KR QUANTEC超超是最强大的,僵硬和精确的基米-雷克南QUANTEC系列的机器人。它提供了最大的力量在每一个位置和动态,精简和高效的其他家庭成员。基米-雷克南QUANTEC超也最终在高性能shelf-mounted机器人。300公斤的有效载荷能力,最高达到3100毫米,基米-雷克南QUANTEC超是最强的,最紧凑的工业机器人。因此,基米-雷克南QUANTEC超功率密度最高目前在制造业的高负载范围。此外,你可以选择从不同的安装位置和版本,如铸造变异与高水平的污染的地区,高湿度、高温度。六shelf-mounted变体也可用。极其强劲表现的基米-雷克南QUANTEC超家族是最强大的机器人。它有最大的功率密度高负载范围。这是实现动态的前提下,经济的空间或优雅。 Simple planning Thanks to its compact base frame with a hole pattern that is consistent across the entire KR QUANTEC series, the KR QUANTEC ultra offers the highest level of planning and investment security. This allows different shelf-mounted robots to be used without any additional planning measures. No matter how big, how confined and in virtually any mounting position. Utmost reliability The cycle time when using the KR QUANTEC ultra is 25 percent shorter than with comparable models. It also operates reliably under extreme conditions – with minimal maintenance requirements.