hk - 8018汽油氧化稳定性试验装置概述hk - 8018汽油测试氧化稳定性试验装置符合ASTM D525氧化稳定性的测试方法标准汽油(诱导期法)。它是用来测试的稳定汽油的成品,在加速氧化条件下。(警告这个测试方法不用于确定汽油成分的稳定性,尤其是那些具有高百分比的lowboiling不饱和化合物,asthese可能引起爆炸装置内的条件。)。特点1。——温度控制采用触摸屏人机界面,易于使用的2。——屏幕显示终点后到达拐点。3所示。——采用主辅式加热,升温快,减少了能源消耗。4所示。——仪表槽采用不锈钢材料,耐腐蚀和抗氧化剂。 The inner of the instrument isequipped with automatic water charging System, keeping the water level. 5. - The instrument can do two groups of experiment improving the working efficiency. 6. - The instrument can detect the leakage of testing bomb and show the resuit automatically. 7. - The instrument adopts imported AJG, high accuracy, good stability, can revise the pressure. Technical Parameters Rated voltage: 220V±10% 50HZ Main heating power: 1000W Auxiliary heating power: 1500W Température controlling point: 100°C Température controlling précision: ±0.5°C Operation mode: Four-strand touch screen type Sensor: PtlOO (platinum resistor) Bath hole: 2 holes