IDEALARC®r3r - 400棍子焊机= K1285-16上实质性的安培数范围包括r3r在60 - 500 - 400安培。操作方便,校准电流控制旋钮使程序设置简单和容易的。极性开关,电压表和电流表是标准的K1285-16 r3r - 400。弧圆凿r3r - 400使用5/16。(7.9毫米)直径碳电极。光滑的弧形,便于焊接低碳钢、低氢、不锈钢、耐磨堆焊电极。输入功率230/460/3/60过程,TIG,刨特点和优点重型焊接和电弧刨削r3r - 400寻找自己的重型焊接需求。无论你使用的是纤维素,低氢,不锈钢或耐磨堆焊电极,该Idealarc®r3r - 400生产平稳,质量弧一致结果的日日夜夜。大量的安培数范围包括r3r在60 - 500 - 400安培。操作方便,校准电流控制旋钮使程序设置简单和容易的。 Polarity switch, voltmeter and ammeter are standard on the K1285-16 R3R-400. Arc gouge with the R3R-400 using up to 5/16 in. (7.9 mm) diameter carbon electrode. Smooth arc - Makes it easy to weld with mild steel, low hydrogen, stainless steel and hardfacing electrodes. Stackable case design - With built-in lift hook allows for easy storage and handling. Machines can be safely stacked three high to conserve floor space.