磷酸铁锂电池,自主供电柜特点:单一,完全绝缘和通风外壳。从其多电压输出为多个消费者(PC,打印机,终端,显示器等)提供电力,从5到24v DC和/或230v AC。容纳电池和所有外围材料(转换器,充电器等)。锂电池与所有类型的运输(陆地、海洋和空中)兼容。万无一失或专用插座,取决于电压类型。模块化,可升级的机柜:插件,可互换的转换器板,根据您的要求。安全装置,保证电池使用寿命:-电子安全,防止电池放电;-只有在电池充满电时才会释放安全装置;-非常简单的电池更换程序;-指示自治临界水平的可视警报(旋转信标灯);-电池充电指示灯(双色LED); - Main circuit breaker if the cabinet is not to be used for an extended period; - Main power supply circuit breaker; Energy cabinet supplied with installation guide. Warranties : The manufacturer's warranty is two years (parts and labour), applicable to all component parts used in the cabinet, with the exception of the battery pack; The batteries are guaranteed for more than 1 000 discharge/recharge cycles.