LYC深沟球轴承是一种径向轴承广泛的应用。它们结构简单不可分离的便宜的价格。除了他们需要很少的维护服务以及在高速操作能力。内和外环的单列深沟球轴承有深沟水沟除了水沟和球之间的良好的密封质量可以使轴承的径向载荷以及一定的轴向负荷。径向间隙后适当增加相应的轴向负荷能力将得到改善。这就是为什么它可以取代高速角接触球轴承在某些情况下。密封轴承LYC深沟球轴承有不同类型的结构。不仅提供开放式轴承,而且轴承与盾或密封在一面盾牌或海豹在两边。密封环可以分为接触式和非接触式(低摩擦)根据联系方式。通常双方已经满带密封圈的轴承润滑脂之前交付。 The filler amount would be 25%-30% of the effective space in bearings. If customer has special requirements other types of greases can be filled and the filler amount could be adjusted accordingly. The bearings sealed at both sides are forbidden to wash and heat (oil heating) over the temperature 800 prior to mounting. Otherwise damages to bearing or grease leakage must be caused. The bearings with seals can keep reliable operation at working temperature between –30 and 100oC.