新的Twist Linker PR-360是一台出色的机器,这无疑意味着中小香肠生产商的变化。在此设备的帮助下,充分利用香肠填充物。通过喷嘴螺母轻松连接到任何液压活塞填充剂/填充器。无需电气连接。PR-360部分和扭曲了香肠的套管,节省了宝贵的时间和熟练的人工成本。换句话说,一台机器在很短的时间内就为自己付费。喷嘴上的扭曲数以及喷嘴速度和部分尺寸(从±15 g到您需要的任何东西)。近似生产:每秒±1部分(最多250 kg/小时)。适用于所有类型的面团,包括细乳液和粗碎产品。爱游戏ayx守望先锋它与天然,胶原蛋白,聚酰胺或纤维素套管一起使用。 Optional automatic hand to run fully automatically when using collagen casing. Constructed in stainless steel 18/10 and polyethylene. They comply with EC regulations Model PR-360 INT models comply with NSF / ANSI 8 American health certification. OPTIONS Equipped with 3 stainless steel nozzles of Ø 12, 15 and 17 mm. (Optional diameters of: 11 and 20).Stuffing rubber cones. There are different rubber cones to fit with all casing calibers for ease of twisting (from 18 to 36 mm diameter).Outer sleeve (double nozzle) for use with natural casing (different sizes)Automatic hand 2PR36MM to run fully automatically when using collagen casing.