带带杆的杆驱动电动缸,带有V-Lock型界面。气缸结构具有坚固的阳极氧化铝挤压轮廓,以确保最佳刚性。提供了典型的V锁燕尾(无凹槽),以便于使用QS元素安装。带有燕尾尾和标准凹槽的V锁界面安装在移动板上,以使用K或QS元素固定其他组件。幻灯片通过沿插入挤压轮廓的硬化和钢化指南运行的可调节脚轮移动,以获得具有可调节率的刚性系统。引导润滑乳头也安装在滑板上。幻灯片是由一条加固皮带驱动的,该皮带又由锁定在电动机上的皮带轮操作。机械皮带张紧系统安装在圆柱体上。可以使用不同的驱动器,无论是无刷还是步进。当您想充分利用可用的扭矩时,带有无刷电动机的版本可以配备1:3速变速箱。 In addition to the standard drives included in the catalogue, custom cylinder can also mount other types of motor. The homing position is identified by a inductive sensor included in the supply.Two different size are available, SHAK 340 and SHAK 470, with pre-set standard strokes. For each size it is possible to choose side on which to mount the motor (4 positions). A version with a smooth tree-type output, mounted in a pre-set position, is also available. The SHAK cylinder can be mounted both horizontally and vertically.