紫外/可见光谱-快速和紧凑。即时分光光度法,无需预热,全光谱扫描在一秒内。节省工作台空间。氙气闪光灯,无活动部件,坚固耐用。直观的界面和指导工作流程的质量控制,水测试和颜色测量。简单一键操作大彩色触摸屏,直观的一键操作界面。所有用户都有自己的主屏幕,只需一键完成日常任务。仪器出厂时已准备好立即使用。简单地启动并开始测量。光学元件的紧凑布局使占地面积非常小。 Instrument can be operated as a standalone without the use of a PC. Keep Control of all Costs With no moving parts in the optical set-up, the instrument is robust and easy to maintain. Measurement within Seconds Modern fiber optics are combined with a CCD array detector and Xenon flash lamp, allowing for a full spectrum scan within just 1 second. Open sample area Sample handling is fast and easy, with the open sample compartment. Installation of accessories like holders is straightforward. Clean Up Your Lab Bench Compact layout of optical components allows for strikingly small footprint. Instrument can be operated as a standalone without the use of a PC.