地磅的成本是当今客户的一个关键问题。VTC201的设计可以使用几十年,并降低您的维护成本。VTC201是一款混凝土地磅,用于称量道路上合法车辆。基于梅特勒-托莱多作为世界卡车规模市场领导者的经验,它的设计具有较长的使用寿命。该设计是在最先进的混凝土工厂使用合格的生产方法和最新的质量标准,使用最新的工程工具生产的。VTC201的设计是在几十年的时间里每天载重250辆满载公路车辆,基于单轴28吨或13吨的轴对。VTC201配有梅特勒-托莱多POWERCELL®测压元件,可使您的秤精确可靠地工作多年。VTC201的甲板包括一个优良的驾驶表面,允许卡车安全停车。扫雪机不会破坏鳞片。测压元件可以从上面进行快速维护或清洗。 If damaged, a load cell can be replaced in minutes, not hours. Pre-stressed and re-enforced concrete for long life – every kilogram of concrete and steel are efficiently used. The VTC201 is based on the same construction technique as the structural members of many modern bridges and buildings. Optional ramps and side rails guide the driver on the scale for driver safety. 23t dual tandem axle, cycle duty Easy to install, maintain, and service Modular design for virtually any length of truck Non-slip driving surface Corrosion resistant components Long service life Works with POWERCELL PDX load cells