成型环境逐渐被数字化。模具功能提供优越的精度,控制伺服系统对传统方法和可重复性。TempMaster M-Ax提供最大的过程控制准确性和简单的线性和旋转模具功能的自动调整。特性精确的伺服控制控制8伺服轴。每个M-Ax伺服可以很容易地切换班轮或转动轴之间的运动。256温度控制区域集成。单身,大型触摸屏人机界面简单直观,易于使用。集中控制的伺服系统和温度控制。完全可配置的最大的灵活性。可编程的用户定义的I / O。 Integrate additional molding functions. All Electric Operation Viable for clean room applications. Reduces energy consumption by up to 60%. Servo Functions Include: Valve gates Core pulls Coining plates Index plates Stripper plates Ejector plates Rotary tables Spin stack E-Drive Synchro Plate E-Multi Auxiliary Injection System Options Servo Motor Axis Control (Max): 8 Movements: Rotary or Linear Programmable I/O (Std.): 16 (8/8) Programmable I/O (Max): 64 (32/32) IMM Interface: E67 Motor Compatibility: Bosch or Exlar Motor Supply with Controller: Yes (customer specified)