便携式排烟系统专门为焊接。该系统是理想的承包商,保养和维修,光制造。包括什么——FilTek XL过滤器——8英尺。提取软管- 20英尺。电源线,便携式排烟装置具有高度的可移植性仅46磅(公斤)21日,vertical-shaped提取机很容易移动,或者在你身边一个工具袋。包括20英尺(6米)电源线和8英尺提取软管。添加17或34脚提取器软管添加可移植性。安静安静的FILTAIR®130来提供一个更安全、更有生产力的工作区域。高达70%,比其他提取器,安静的FILTAIR®130只68.5 dB在5英尺(1.5米)。FilTek®XL Suface-Loading过滤器FilTek XL表面负荷与干燥的压缩空气过滤器是手动清洗,延长其生命的8倍常规过滤器。 Benefits include lower cost of operation and eliminates the need to send extra filters to most jobsites. Miller® FilTek® XL Filter Technology FilTek XL Filter Technology is specifically designed for welding fumes. This technology offers a longer filter life - up to 2 times that of treated cellulous filters and superior filtering of up to 95% of weld fume particulate. FilTek XL's surface loading filters vs. competitors depth loading filters gives Miller filters advantages that benefit you including easier and more complete filter cleaning results, longer filter life, and more efficient air flow thru the filter resulting in lower operating costs and stronger suction power for a cleaner work space.