三面贴标签与顶部贴标签是一个极为多才多艺的贴标签机四面贴标签在各种方形瓶。结合角包装置,一台贴标机配两台贴标器可同时进行顶贴和C包贴标。免维护,少工具调整,大大简化贴标过程。它肯定能以更少的努力提高生产力。1.精密的对准装置,确保贴标位置精确。2.标签点胶后,立即将标签折到一边,防止起皱或起泡。3.双无动力角包PU板将标签折叠到左右两边。 4. Top hold down belt to keep bottles stay in the central part of conveyor while transferring. 5. Driven by imported stepper motor and can be replaced according required speed. 6. Labeling height can be adjusted by numeric hand wheel. 7. Labeling angle can be adjusted by X-Y axes. 8. Automatic label length detection and electronic sensor positioning. 9. Made of stainless steel and high grade anodized aluminum. 10. Heavy duty configuration and comes with rigid stainless steel cabinet.