分散的智能实时视觉解决方案独立决定和行动Corsight的核心竞争力。集成智能视觉解决方案有矩阵和线扫描图像传感器,包括高速图像传感器为最快的过程。用户可以自由结合英特尔四核CPU的资源和FPGA硬件加速。这意味着机器可以达到最快的周期与实时图像处理。可用其全部潜力挖掘。Corsight净打开相机的概念提供了用户特定的软件解决方案的配置。客户的信赖的视觉经验的IP核和图像处理软件可以很容易地集成到Corsight。为各种license-free司机,可获许可的和专有的库是可用的。网库还包含创新的图像增强算法和优化。我们还提供了一个广泛的接口选项整合IP67-certified智能视觉解决方案。 There are no limits to your creativity when it comes to integrating and controlling Corsight: this can be by remote access via WLAN or Bluetooth, synchronization with other devices (PLC), as the host system of a multi-camera system for GigE vision cameras or, optionally, even as a GigE vision camera. Corsight opens up new possibilities for your application! Corsight- Decentralized smart vision solution Smart line scan vision solution Corsight enables users to enjoy the benefits of a line scan camera together with the opportunities offered by a unique smart vision solution.