自吸NOTOS®4NS齿轮传动双螺杆泵采用高流量和最小的湍流,没有金属对金属的螺钉接触。由于高效独特的设计(HEUD), 4NS双螺杆泵确保了产品的连续和温和的输送。最先进的技术确保精确的公差和优化的螺钉轮廓。这导致了低生命周期成本和较长的使用寿命。齿轮传动双螺杆泵有两个轴和四个螺钉。扭矩通过斜齿轮传递到从动轴。这种设计是液压平衡的,防止了单个螺钉之间的金属接触,大大减少了维护。从灰铸铁和铬镍钢到双相、超双相或哈氏合金钢,材料范围广泛,可在许多行业中广泛使用。4NS的应用范围从非磨蚀性到中等磨蚀性,以及从非腐蚀性到腐蚀性泵送介质。此外,低到高粘度的润滑和非润滑流体也可以运输。 As a result, and because of the small footprint they are used for pumping in shipping, power generation, tank farms and the process industry. In addition, 4NS twin screw pumps meet the standards of the American Petroleum Institute (API) through an optional extension. This means that they can also be used in the oil & gas sector and the petrochemical industry without any problems.