这个轻量级的,防水测试人员提供高精度的pH值和温度测量在一个手持单元!大型液晶显示器同时显示了pH值和温度读数,而稳定性指标显示时通知你,获得了稳定的阅读。•的pHep®4 HI98127 pH测试人员有一个可替换的elctrode更长时间测试仪的生活. .的pHep®4是一个防水酸碱测试人员对水,0.1±0.1的分辨率和精度博士发现它有很多高级特性在更昂贵的便携式仪器。一、两点校准是自动两套可选择的缓冲(4.01,7.01和10.01或4.01,6.86,和9.18)。的pHep®4还包括一个可替换的电极和不锈钢圆形连接器。这盒设计没有针或者可以打破。HI73127替换pH电极还包括一个可榨出的布结。可推断出的布结HI73127允许更新的结。简单地提取⅛“拉结的结将揭露一个新的部分。 Any clogging that was present will be cleared and the response time will be back to normal extending the life of the pH electrode. • The HI98129 is an easy-to-use and accurate waterproof pH, conductivity, TDS (ppm) tester. It measures pH, EC in the low range (0 to 3999 µS/cm), TDS (0 to 2000 ppm), and temperature. This floating, waterproof combination pocket tester has an easy to read, LCD and an automatic shut-off. All pH, EC, and TDS (ppm) readings are automatically temperature compensated (ATC) to prevent temperature-related variations in your measurements.