溢价转速表的dt - 2100是工程师和维修人员。帮助最困难的诊断机械测量与车载数据记录,绘图和统计分析,用户可以检查他们的现场测试结果,并确定是否需要额外的数据。数据可以下载到可选软件进一步分析和诊断系统的性能。如果需要简单,dt - 2100可以容纳的可选择的显示风格允许在标准数值,结果图,条形图或表模式。Max。分钟,大道可以快速浏览在任何显示模式为额外的测试反馈。数据记录可以设置为单点或连续的日志记录。通常用户在测试过程中可能需要调整机器。只是山的dt - 2100 tri-pod连接,选择连续记录和调整机械。测试之后,您可以很容易地检查结果单位或者下载到电脑上。 Two people are no longer required to perform a test that one can now conveniently complete. The DT-2100 even allows multiple users to store their programmed settings. There is no need to spend time checking all settings to ensure proper performance. The DT-2100 possesses many cutting-edge features. One feature that is unique to this instrument is the ability to calculate lengths remotely in non-contact laser operation. This feature adds a level of convenience and capability as often it is dangerous or not possible to take a reading by physical contact.