内置换能器的螺丝刀的旋杆扭矩精度为刻度范围的+/- 1%(例如,80 Nm螺丝刀的精度为+/- 0.8 Nm);扭矩精度与所要求的最大扭矩无关。螺杆式刚性紧固件的重复性精度,换能器版本为1%,无换能器版本为3%。为获得最佳效果,应使用合适的夹紧系统固定螺钉传动单元。ACE丝杆驱动单元有一个单一的丝杆驱动主轴和每个主轴的控制单元。半图形液晶显示,每行20个字符。内置薄膜键盘。多达5个螺丝驱动程序的5个步骤,每个可以设置,存储和调用从键盘。每个程序步骤都可由用户按要求编程,数值如下:1 .旋转速度/方向2 .旋转速度/方向所达到的扭矩或角度。 Time limit or degree limit range within which the set torque/angle must be reached. - Up to 1024 screw driving operations can be stored to memory. - Torque curve of the last screw driving (resolution 0.01 seconds) can be stored to memory. - RS-232 C connection to PC for reading screw driving data on-line - RS-232 C connection to PC for transferring memory data.