机架精度的杰作:机架由Zanatta。发现新领域的精度和效率,并选择Zanatta架:无论是盖茨或工业使用。我们把行之有效的经验和先进的技术为所有客户提供最好的解决方案的需求。Zanatta生产货架从质量10 6在精度范围内。我们使用的金属包括碳钢、合金钢和不锈钢。改善耐久性我们采用热处理,总是符合应用程序的类型和所使用的材料。我们的货架工业使用的范围从模块0.5模块30平方或扁平截面直或斜齿轮的牙齿,和6米长。公司配备有先进的机械设备,如数控齿轮切削系统。我们可以伸直现有数控矫直机机架通过,这使我们能够实现直线公差水平的0.1毫米/米。我们也可以执行数控铣床和镗床L = 4000,表面磨,数控磨削齿轮的牙齿质量6。 In addition, we offer the possibility of die-casting plastics. The company makes use of a 3-D measuring machine for measurement control, helping to ensure the high quality of our racks. We can also make samples. The flexibility of our working structure allows us to create either single pieces or large quantities, with very prompt delivery times. Zanatta creates racks for sliding gates and for machinery in general. The company produces articles both to design and from the catalogue.