DayCor®罗是一个陀螺稳定的空气检测系统。成像系统insludes DayCor®电晕相机组合的高清晰度电视摄像机和红外摄像机。所有现有相机使用最好的品牌。的稳定系统和特征DayCor®相机启用高速飞行和远程检测电晕。DayCor®罗是一个顶级的系统由于摄像机的选择incoproated在陀螺稳定载荷。该系统提供了高分辨率的图像和视频,最适合报告。紫外线敏感3 x10-18瓦特/ cm2加上快速的光学变焦和自动对焦使可靠的遥远的电晕排放检测和捕获,并没有污点的移动目标输出图像。DayCor®罗可以容纳并发IR和UV检查相机。没有简单快速,大多数车辆可调。提供一个安装工具包和详细说明。 Features Set for high speed inspection Rapid X25 optical zoom of the visible channel Auto focus of the UV and Visible channels Control & display unit (CDU) Set for hyper spectral inspection Digital video recording and storage High resolution 8.4" LCD UV events counter Reporting software - multilingual Accessories: GPS, Title Editor Payload is fit for nose or belie installation or any other desired configuration on most helicopters