通用润滑脂与白色固体润滑剂和NSF H2认证。适用领域:法向载荷摩擦润滑;滚动轴承和旋转轴承机床主轴和导轨的润滑精密机械设备和家用电器的运动部件的润滑优点和好处不能使用深色润滑剂时的润滑通过减少停机时间和纠正性维护节省维护和润滑剂成本防水NSF H2注册也可提供喷雾版OKS 471(无NSF认证)技术规格工作温度:-30°C→+120°C NLGI等级:2dn因子(dm × n): 300,000 mm/min基础油粘度(40°C):约。110 mm²/s四球试验台(焊接载荷):3,400 N应用场合清洁润滑点,以获得最佳效果。首次灌装前,请先去除防腐蚀剂。注满轴承,使所有的功能表面都有一定的润滑脂。将正常轴承填充至轴承内部自由空间的约1/3。低速轴承(DN值低于50,000)及其外壳应完全填充。在可能的情况下,应遵守轴承和机器制造商的说明。 Subsequent lubrication at the lubrication nipples by grease gun or by automatic lubrication system. Assess the lubrication frequency and quantity on the basis of the service conditions. If old grease cannot be removed, restrict the quantity of grease so as to avoid over-lubricating the bearing. If lubrication frequencies tend to be low, you should aim for a full grease change. Caution: Only mix with suitable lubricants.