SLABFORM-LT用于板梁下的载体脚手架。TS EN 74-3认证的底座和头部千斤顶用于平衡模板的地板和底部。SLABFORM-LT可以通过运输小车和起重机进行移位,无需拆卸,从而节省了人工成本和时间。框架制造为120厘米宽和120 - 150 - 180厘米高作为标准。TS EN 12813认证的SLABFORM-LT框架由48 * 3.0或48 * 4.0 mm生产,水平和对角支撑由34 * 2.5 mm TSE认证的机械管生产。机器人切割,钻孔和焊接工艺应用于我们的生产。钢制品由于含有工业化爱游戏ayx守望先锋学油,烤漆前需喷砂清洗。根据要求,我们的产品可以根据TS 9爱游戏ayx守望先锋14 EN ISO 1461标准进行热浸镀锌。SLABRORM-LT 1s用于板梁下的载重脚手架。TS EN 74-3混凝土底座和顶千斤顶用于平衡模板的地板和底部。 The SLABFORM-LT can be dsplaœd by transport trolleys and crâne without dtsassembly, thus savmg labor costs and dme. The franges are manufactured as 120 cm width and 120 - 150 - 180 cm hlgh as standard. TS EN 12813 œrtified SLABFORM-LT frames are produœd from 48 * 3.0 or 48 * 4.0 mm, horizontal and diagonal braces are produœd from 34 * 2.5 mm TSE œrtified mechanical tubes. Robotic cutdng, dnllmg and weldng pmcesses are aoplied in our producdon. The Steel products are cleaned with sandblasdng before oren paindng because of the industrial Chemical oïl. üpon request, our products can be hot dip gah/anized accordmg to TS 914 EN ISO 1461 standards.