粘度计通过任何与主轴旋转运动方向相反的液体的机械阻力来测量。这就产生了粘度计所识别的扭矩,并将其转换为粘度值。精度为±1.0%,旋转粘度计是一个非常精确的测量设备,尽管测量范围高1…2,000,000 mPa.s。通过粘度计上的浸泡电阻温度传感器,可以测量被测液体的温度在0 ~ 100℃之间。例如,这种粘度计用于机油的质量控制。机油的粘度随温度而变化。这正是旋转粘度计使用的地方。由于计时器功能,旋转粘度计可以独立工作,由操作员设置的周期。同时,测量数据通过RS232接口从旋转粘度计传输到PC机上。旋转式粘度计的软件可以显示温度剖面和粘度剖面的图形和表格形式。 A printer can also be connected directly to the viscometer in order to print out the respective measured value. The viscometer can be adapted to a wide variety of environments. The viscometer can be leveled using the height-adjustable feet so that the measuring spindle is always vertical in the medium to be measured. To help with this, there is a level on the head of the rotary viscometer. The height of the test device can also be adjusted by approx. 25 cm from the viscometer in order to position the spindle appropriately.