POL-EKO-APARATURA的气候室设备的温度和湿度参数几乎可以自由地模拟这些专业室恒定的环境条件下进行测试。最重要的功能是能够通过精确的温度和湿度控制创造稳定的条件。老化测试室,可以保持稳定的温度参数(0…+ 60°C KK系列或0…+ 100°C kk系列)和湿度(30…90%乐系列和超声波加湿器或10…kk系列蒸汽加湿器)为90%。气候室专业老化测试室测试,稳定性测试,热或气候测试。我们的设备配备有现代触摸屏智能控制器。商会是由高质量的耐酸钢。单位与锁双扇门。气候室与超声波加湿器是专业和可靠的设备来保证稳定和精确的条件。 The max temperature of 60°C allows to use them for seed germination, fungus and plant growing or food tests. Perfect climatic conditions allow stability tests of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, as well as packaging and electronics • growth of plants and fungus • seeds germination • microorganisms and insects breeding • photostability tests • food preservation tests • any kind of research that requires a stable temperature and humidity environment (optionally light) • tests of building materials