实验室冰柜可以冷冻和储存冷冻样品。考虑到我们产品的质量,在我们的报价中,你不会发现一种叫做“实验室冰箱爱游戏ayx守望先锋-冷冻室”的双功能设备。我们的冰箱不像家用电器一样有一个集成的冰箱。我们的冰箱-冰柜是两室设备-一个室是冰箱,另一个是冷冻室。考虑到对设备参数及其功能的关注,我们创建了几个产品类别:实验室冰箱,实验室冰柜和超低冰柜。实验室冰箱配备了冷却系统-它们保持温度低于环境温度,但其温度范围不会达到负值。通常是0-10℃或0-15℃。在我们的实验室冰柜的情况下,室内的温度可能达到-25/-40°C。在超低温冰箱中,温度甚至更低,甚至可达-86°C。ZLW-T冰柜是强制空气循环的设备。 Models are available with capacities of 210 and 310 litres. By using a fan, the stability and uniformity of the temperature in the chamber is greatly improved, and the cartridge is cooled faster. The effect of faster cooling of the load is particularly beneficial in situations where the chamber must be opened frequently. – long-term storage of samples and biological material for research – storage of easily decomposing material (e.g. solid state) – freeze resistance tests (e.g. of building materials: concrete, wood etc.) – pre-freezing – plasma storage