滚珠丝杠总成由丝杆、螺母和滚珠组成。其作用是将旋转运动或直线运动转化为旋转运动。这是滑动滚珠丝杠的进一步延伸和发展。开发的重要意义与将轴承从滚动运动改为滑动运动相同。由于滚珠丝杠具有优异的摩擦性能,被广泛应用于各种工业设备和精密仪器中。RACO提供各种接地滚珠螺钉,以满足所有要求:带内部预紧力的法兰螺母,DIN标准-双预紧力法兰螺母,DIN标准-双圆柱预紧力螺母和量身定制的产品。爱游戏ayx守望先锋RACO提供完整的螺丝组件,并根据客户图纸指定机加工端。螺帽也可用于减少轴向啮合。此外,RACO公司专门从事高精度要求的定制安排。滚珠丝杠可在不同的设计,以满足大多数技术要求。 Nuts are available preloaded or with axial play. Preloaded nuts should always be used when accuracy of positioning under load is important. Even for small quantities, we provide complete assemblies with customized screw shaft, with a very short delivery time. The RACO ball screws receive distinction with their high quality, precision and long life capabilities. There are world-wide patents for our single ball return arrangement, the ball groove profile, single ball nut preloaded and the short travel ball screw assembly. The big depth of hardness of the ball tracks (60 ± 2 HRC) allows for regrinding of worn out screws it is not necessary to have a complete new ball screw.