Microfine喷砂机提供最佳的表面质量,可以用25到250微米的所有商用磨料喷砂不同的材料。该装置可用于清洁,抛光和抛光,以及去除不同表面的氧化层。在喷砂装置中还集成了进口压力控制、数量控制和快速截止阀,使磨料的使用更加精确和经济。水分离器和过滤器避免不必要的维护,并保持停机时间最短。特殊的爆破原理和加热室提供了一个恒定的磨料流,导致被炸物体表面光滑。启动和停止爆破是方便地激活一个脚踏开关。一个额外的喷嘴从物体上除去研磨材料。通过可拆卸的盖子或排水螺钉,只需几分钟即可完成重新填充和/或更换研磨介质。SANDURET Microfine喷射爆轰机可提供2/3/4腔。作为一个选项,该单元可以根据所需的粒度进行预配置。 The bright LED gives a shadow-free light in the working area for perfect working conditions. The robust and durable stainless steel housing grants a long service. Optional drawer unit for SANDURET is made of highly durable and solid stainless steel and permits the fast removal of used abrasive material. The SANDURET 1 can be used to supplement existing abrasive chambers as it is supplied without any external housing. This unit is suitable for blasting different materials with all commercial abrasives of 25-250 mμ. The nozzle gives a steady stream of abrasive with precisely adjusted blasting pressure.