首先LTS是一个单轴工具setter,当与LTS应用软件一起使用,提供了许多好处。减少花费的时间设置工具90%与手工方法相比。自动更新工具偏移量。消除人为错误和变化设置工具。减少材料的废弃和返工。确定了工具,以便可以采取纠正措施。跟踪热机器和工具的变化首先LTS可以自行使用或与初初无线电部分Setter和接口来创建一个完全自动化的系统设置在您的机器上。LTS初独立于信用体系工作。首先LTS是如何工作的?大哥LTS时触发一个工具接触接触垫。 A trigger signal is sent to the machine tool controller via the hard-wired cable and the tool length is automatically calculated. Renishaw's LTS application software provides a set of unique cycles for the Primo LTS for tool setting, broken tool detection, thermal compensation and the set-up check. The Primo LTS is designed to operate within the machining environment, so it is resistant to swarf or coolant ingress and prevents false triggers due to shocks or vibration.