来自RS Pro的高质量和耐用的电力电缆组件或电源线,用于连接电器到主电源。这种电源线完全配备了一个Schuko 2针市电插头的一端和一个IEC C13型连接器的另一端连接到器具。电源引线具有集成应变缓解,为连接器提供额外的保护和支持什么是电源电缆组件?电力电缆组件是预先与插头或插座连接器连接的电缆。电力电缆组件可以在电缆的两端安装连接器,也可以只安装一个。根据应用程序的不同,有不同的类型来满足广泛的需求。什么是Schuko插头?该电缆组件的一端与Schuko插头连接,这是欧洲主要的交流插头类型之一。Schuko插头类型有2个引脚,在瑞士、丹麦、意大利和德国等欧洲国家普遍使用。虽然在英国的家电和机器上并不常见,但Schuko仍然很常见,尤其是在剃须刀和充电器等物品上。 What is an IEC C13 connector? The other end of the power cord is terminated with a fully moulded IEC C13 connector which is used to connect the power cord an appliance that has a C14 inlet. C13 and C14 connectors have 3 pins, a rated current of 10 A and a maximum temperature rating of 70°C, and are sometimes referred to as IEC ’cold connectors’. IEC connectors conform to IEC-60320 specifications laid down by the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) to ensure the connectors meet common global design standards