RS Pro系列J型,K型和T型细丝温度传感热电偶,符合IEC-584-3标准,具有最佳性能的1级公差。这些K型和T型细丝温度传感器具有耐用的聚四氟乙烯绝缘1类双绞1/0.2毫米引线。引线端接一个可重新布线的微型平销插头,方便快速连接。这些热电偶有一个暴露的焊接结,使他们能够以快速响应时间操作。热电偶是如何工作的?热电偶是一种用于测量一系列不同过程中的温度的传感器,由两根由不同金属制成的线腿组成,在它们的两端连接在一起形成两个结点。热或测量结连接到要测量温度的物体上。冷结或参考结与已知温度的物体相连。当测量结放在热的东西上时,它与参考结之间就会产生电压或电位差。然后,使用热电偶参考表可以将该电压转换为温度测量。 This process is also known as the Seebeck Effect What is a Welded Exposed Junction? An exposed junction is where the thermocouple wires are welded together but not surrounded by the outer sheath. The ends of the wire are directly inserted into the process. This means the thermocouple has a high sensitivity and response time. Welded exposed junctions are more prone to corrosion and are recommended for measuring flowing or static non-corrosive gas temperatures Miniature plug for quick and easy connection