氙气老化试验机采用氙气弧灯模拟全阳光光谱,再现存在于不同环境中的破坏性光波,为科研、产品开发和质量控制提供相应的环境模拟和加速试验。腔体结构:1。外箱材质:优质t= 1mm A3钢板数控机床加工成型,外壳表面喷塑处理,外形更加光洁美观。内箱材料:SUS304优质不锈钢板(t=1mm)高密度玻璃纤维棉。绝缘厚度为100mm。长轴风机电机,高温不锈钢多叶叶轮,实现强对流垂直扩散回路。4.门与箱体之间采用双层耐热层,保证测试区域的密封性。5. By the way of fixing xenon lamp, can test 32 inch products; 6. The observation window use a multi - layer hollow tempered glass, which can be clearly observed the test process. Product function: 1. The full spectrum of xenon lamp. 2. Multiple alternative filtration systems. 3. Water spray function. 4. Relative humidity control. 5. Air temperature control system 6. Irregular shape sample holder. 7. Cheap but excellent Xenon arc lamp 8. Easy to install and operate 9. Xenon arc lamp lifetime depends on the irradiance level used in general, 10. Lamp life is 1600 hours. Lamp replacement convenient and fast, the filter to maintain the required spectrum to provide protection.