密相气力输送系统是采用高正压、慢速度的方式输送粉体、颗粒等干散体物料。这种输送方式主要用于研磨性、易碎性和/或爆炸性产品。爱游戏ayx守望先锋产品转移是分批分批进行的。每个输送周期包括以下阶段:灌装阶段,灌装阀和排气阀都是打开的。该产品充满容器(罐),并置换罐内的空气。高位控制装置向进料阀和排气阀发出关闭信号。出口夹紧阀(如果装有)保持关闭状态。压缩空气进气阀打开,压缩空气进入容器内。产品与空气混合并开始流化。当容器内的压力达到输送所需的水平时,出口阀打开,产品向前推进进入输送管道。 The product moves in successive plugs until the vessel and the pipeline are empty. A single pressure switch controls the pressure in the vessel and as soon as the pre-set limit of the cycle end has been reached, it stops the air compressed supply. The residual air allows purging the circuit until the pressure differential has been dispersed. A principal advantages of this method are : Particularly suitable for ATEX installations, It preserves the original appearance of the product, Low power consomption