无线状况监控传感器无线状况监控传感器测量加速度和温度,不可替代的电池,支持Wirepas网状网络网络Optime提供完整的解决方案套件,用于自动条件调节旋转机器。首次可以在高档中经济监视生产地点的工业驱动器单元。Optime解决方案由三个组件,无线传感器,网关和数字服务组成。所有组件都是解决方案的功能安装所必需的。传感器是在几分钟内安装的,并且解决方案会自动配置。Using one of the most reliable and energy-efficient wireless meshnet technologies, the data is transferred via a gateway into a cloud.Schaeffler’s deep know-how in monitoring of rotating assets and physical models of machinery, combined with machine learning, allows for automated analytics. An easy-to-use app displays the condition of machines, gives alarms and provides diagnosis for highest transparency at all times. The wireless OPTIME 3 sensor measures vibration and temperature and transmits calculated KPIs and time waveforms over a Wirepas mesh network to the OPTIME gateway. Schaeffler OPTIME is an affordable and easy-to-use solution for monitoring of all machines running at partly stable operating conditions. Typical applications for the OPTIME 3 variant could be fans, motors, pillow block bearing, etc. with a maximum running speed up to 3 000 min–1.Scope of delivery: 10 × OPTIME 3 10 × Mounting pad M6 1 × Quickstart manual sensors.