LUBExpert与您一起思考,为您着想,糟糕的润滑脂实践是轴承故障的主要原因。不到40%的轴承寿命足够长,以实现其工程价值,过度润滑或润滑不足是最常见的原因。许多润滑部门根据浪费的日历日程表重新润滑。这导致过多和过少的润滑脂轴承,无法实现其工程价值。润滑脂减少轴承摩擦。摩擦越少,寿命越长。LUBExpert在摩擦水平增加时提醒您,指导您重新润滑,并防止过度润滑和润滑不足。LUBExpert是一种超声波解决方案,帮助您润滑轴承正确。在正确的位置使用正确的润滑剂,使用正确的间隔和正确的数量,同时接收正确的任务完成情况,包括轴承状态。LUBExpert是一个完整的超声波解决方案,以管理您的声学润滑程序,并确保您正确的轴承数据库LUBExpert维护所有资产的数据库,包括轴承类型和尺寸。 Automation LUBExpert removes the guesswork by automatically calculating the stabilization time between grease pumps. Guided & Free Modes LUBExpert offers two modes to grease bearings right; “free” and “guided”. Whether your program is mature, or just getting started LUBExpert helps you grease bearings right. Shopping List LUBExpert reminds you to bring the right grease type and the right quantity for the days lube tasks. Work Orders LUBExpert reminds you which bearings need grease today. Restore order and discipline to your lubrication program.