磁抛掷方两极磁强国和特制的铁件铣操作。它们建立一块坚硬的钢铁和有很大的稳定性和刚度无翘曲。五个访问的部分只能加工一个操作不需要夹子或下巴。查克的electropermanent电路提供了以下优点:——最小的能源消耗。能源只是磁化和去磁过程中消耗。——没有扭曲的卡盘不加热。——没有事故的风险减少由于电源。电子控制器允许的顺序激活1、2、3和4轻叩。它还集成了一个寄生大功率EMD过滤器,这符合电磁兼容指令。这些抛掷提供了可能性与扩展。 The extensions are prolongations of the chuck’s square poles to a certain height. Pieces with irregular surface are securely attached to the chuck by means of polar extensions. There are two types: fix and mobile. Mobile extensions adapt to the irregular surface of the piece and the fixed ones, act as a support points. The perfect clamping is obtained by using 3 fixed extensions and so many mobiles as the piece requires. Available in four different versions, which differ mainly in the measures of the poles.