GFK系列全自动自清洗过滤器是高性能滤波器特别设计用于细水过滤。优越的过滤等级15到300μm。高效反冲洗保证正常工作甚至是浑浊的原水。里面的水流入屏幕过滤器入口,通过屏幕,从出口流出。粒子被筛网。过滤压降上升到预设值时,控制系统触发清洁sequeces。反冲洗喷嘴由电机驱动移动螺旋和清洁内部屏幕表面。毕竟屏幕面积由吸入喷嘴扫描和清理,一个反冲洗周期就完成了。在反冲洗过程中,过滤了,只有非常低的流量波动和出口压力减少发生。里面的水流入屏幕过滤器入口,穿过屏幕,从出口流出。的杂质颗粒堵塞筛孔。积累更多的颗粒后,过滤压降上升到预设值(通常是50 Kpa)。 The control system triggers the cleaning sequences. Open the back- flushing valve A and the auxiliary back-flushing pump. The gear motor drives the reciprocating scanner at the same time. The dual-channel back-flushing tube moves helically and cleans the screen inside with suction nozzles. The differential pressure = outlet pressure - back-flushing outlet A pressure. The outside filtrate reverse flow passes the screen and injects into the group A suction nozzle inside.