低排放,节省维护和燃料经济2 -理想的卡车和公共交通应用。Shell Rimula R6 LME提供:低排放-低硫酸盐灰、磷和硫(SAPS)配方用于催化剂保护。设计用于减少柴油微粒过滤器(DPF)堵塞提高高达51%的发动机磨损保护在耐磨性和洁净度方面超过ACEA, MAN和MB标准。高达2.0%的燃油经济性2更长的泄油间隔(ODI)3规格:SAE粘度等级:5W-30 ACEA: E6, E7;康明斯:CES 20077;道依茨:DQC IV-10 LA;马克:EO-N;男:m3477, m3677; MB-Approval 228.51; Renault Trucks: RLD-2; Volvo: VDS-3; IVECO: TLS E6 (Meets requirements) - Scania Low Ash The product specifications listed above may vary from time to time and may not all be available for sale in your specific country. To obtain a specific recommendation for your vehicle from our product portfolio, please use our free online oil recommendation tool, Shell Lubematch